Thursday, April 21, 2016

Welcome to the Library of a Red Head!

Welcome to my new blog!

My hope is that I will be consistent in sharing reviews, thoughts, pictures, and all things books related on this forum. Hence the title of my blog - Library of a Red Head (I've always loved that name/title.) If you check out my GoodReads profile, you might start to see an overlap. I will try to post mostly on this blog and link it to my GoodReads profile, but if there is a book that I have already previously written a review for, then I would recommend to read the review on GoodReads, because I will most likely not post the review on here, unless I feel the need to edit my previous review of the book.

My reviews will not be stuffy and what is sometimes considered "proper" etiquette or form. I feel and believe that with a personal blog, especially with my name tied to it, that it should be real and genuine. None the less, I will be honest, open, and respectful of how I feel about the book that I read.

What types of books will I review based on my personal preference:

1. Young Adult - Most popular genre that I read
2. New Age - fiction geared to those that are between the age of 20-30
3. Romance/Erotica
4. Science Fiction - This might be thrown in here and there, but it will not be often
5. Historical Fiction - I enjoy Historical Fiction. I don't always get to read it as much as I like.

These genres are not set in stone.These are just the genres that I have the most experience reading and have found the myself always gravitating to.  If an author or publishing company would like to send an ARC for me to review then I will. Also, book recommendations are welcome! :)

*All ARC reviews will be announced at the beginning of the review and will be given an honest review*

I hope everyone enjoys my blog! I know that I will enjoy sharing all of the books that I read and hope to engage in conversation about them. While I am still getting reacquainted with the world of blogging, posts will probably be kept to the minimum of text and some basic pictures. I am hoping to get back into the swing of CSS and posting GIFs, but please bare with me. :)

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