Like maybe everything she had been with Calisto was just a dream.
Emma knew it was crazy—it was impossible to forget what she had shared with Calisto Donati. All their love, the stolen moments, their foulness together, and the beauty underneath it all were real.
They were real.
But he didn't know. He didn’t know any of it.
And little by little, with every day that passed her by, Emma found she was losing those pieces that reminded her they had existed once.
Just like the rosary.
All too soon, Emma knew … there would be nothing left.
Calisto Donati
Emma hadn’t given him a choice.
Her, not him.
Yeah, that’s what Calisto was going to keep telling himself. He refused to feed into the strange curiosity he had about Emma Donati. It had been building from the moment he’d first seen her face after he’d awakened. He wouldn’t admit that for longer than he cared to admit, he thought there was more behind her false smile, polite words, and the distance she put between her and him—that there might be more to them.
He couldn’t.
Except … he was feeding into it.
Calisto just wasn’t sure what it was.
But tonight he was going to find out.
Whether she wanted to tell him or not.
The final Bloodlines novel.
(Generously received this book for my honest review by Indie Sage PR)
Thin Lives is the third and final book in the Donati Bloodlines Trilogy and is not a standalone novel. I HIGHLY SUGGEST that you read the first two novels in the series, Thin Lies and Thin Lines, before reading this novel. If you are interested in reading my reviews for Thin Lines and Thin Lies, then you can find them here.
I cannot promise that you will not read any spoilers in those reviews or this one. I always try my best to not give away any major spoilers and forewarn you if the review does contain any spoilers, but still provide the best review that I can for the author and publishing company. Yada, Yada, Yada. Disclaimer, disclaimer, disclaimer. ON TO THE REVIEW!
If you have been keeping up with any of my reviews this year, then you know that I have been absolutely loving and raving about this series and BETHANY KRIS! Honestly, this has been one of my favorite trilogies/series of 2016. It is so different from the other trilogies that have come out this year and recently. Unlike other series that feature the first book, a filler second book, and the final book that wraps up the series, the Donati Bloodlines Trilogy has a first book that completely hooks you, a second book that makes you craving for more, and a final book that fulfills everything that you wanted in the series. This series does not have anything that I would change, complain, or criticize, which is really rare for a book series to achieve from me. So I will definitely applaud and hail Bethany Kris! She has definitely made it to my current list of favorite authors. She is up there with Alice Clayton and Penny Reid in terms of who I am really actively reading and loving at the moment.
On the note of Bethany Kris, I have read all of the Filthy Marcellos series, minus Dante's story and I still think that the Donati Bloodlines Trilogy is better overall as a series. I believe that I find this storyline more appealing, captivating, gritty, and the characters in the story contain much more depth. You really believe Emma and Calisto, their feelings, and you connect with them. This is something that I felt was lacking a little bit in the Filthy Marcellos series.
In terms of the Thin Lives novel, the novel continued where the second book left off with Calisto still not remembering Emma. I actually liked that Kris didn't immediately have Calisto remember Emma. The reader spent a good portion of the book with Calisto as he struggled to regain his memories. This was a journey that I wanted to take with Calisto as a reader. It wasn't rushed along for the sake of moving forward with the plot. At the same time, we were able to experience Emma's struggle with not being able to interact or reveal her history with Calisto. This was such a difficult predicament to read for the both of them, but I'm still glad that, as a reader, it was included in the book.
As I stated in the previous novel, Alfonso is still a large factor and source of struggle for the couple. This was to be expected seeing as he is the big bad guy in the first two books. I do not want to reveal too much that happens with his character, because I do not want to give away any spoilers. But I will say that I am glad with the way that Kris ended his storyline in the book. It was a prefect conclusion for his character. I do not want to say too much more about the book, because I do not want to give anything away.
Do Emma and Calisto get their HEA? You will have to read the book to find out! ;)
Lastly, would I recommend this book to others? Definitely! I would definitely recommend the entire series. Especially to those that love Mafioso Romances. This would be right up your alley. It really is a great trilogy. Please do not take my lack of a review in terms of the book as a reflection of how amazing the series is. It is because I love the book so much that I am not writing/saying more of what occurs in the plot.